Association of
Professional Genealogists
APG is an independent organization with over 1,200 members
worldwide whose principle purpose is to support professional genealogists in all
phases of their work: from the amateur genealogist wishing to turn knowledge
and skill into a vocation, to the experienced professional seeking to
exchange ideas with colleagues and to upgrade the profession as a whole. The
association also seeks to protect the interests of those engaging in the
services of the professional.
A Division of NGS, GENTECH presents national conferences and sponsors
programs with other societies for persons interested in genealogy and
National Genealogical Society
The National Genealogical Society continues to assist members in tracing
family histories since it was founded in 1903. The NGS serves over 17,000 members
by providing training to conduct more sophisticated research, giving access
to their 30,000 plus volume library, and granting discounts on sale items and
Federation of Genealogical Societies
The Federation of Genealogical Societies serves the needs of its members societies, provides products and services needed
by member societies, and marshals the resources of its member organizations.
New England Historic
Genealogical Society
NEHGS helps both new and experienced researchers trace their heritage in New England and around the world. With more than 17,000
members worldwide, NEHGS supports a 200,000-volume, world-class research
library in Boston; a 25,000- volume book-by-mail Circulating Library; a
mail-order sales department; educational programs, lectures, conferences, and
tours; an active publications department, publishing and editorial service;
Enquiries Research Service and Photocopy.
Genealogical Society The oldest genealogical organization in Texas has over 800 members whose purpose
is to support the Genealogy Section of the Dallas Public Library and to teach
genealogical skills. John is currently Coordinator of all Special Interest
Worth Genealogical Society Another strong genealogical society in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, this
group teaches genealogical skills and supports the Genealogy Section of the
Fort Worth Public Library.
Grand Prairie
Genealogical Society This friendly group teaches genealogical skills and supports the
Genealogy Section of the Grand Prairie Public Library. Meetings are the first
Thursday of each month at the Library. Barb serves as Program Chair.