
John Vincent Wylie
has been a full time professional genealogist since 1990. He currently serves
the Texas State Genealogical Society as President Elect and 2012 State
Conference Chair. From 2007 through 2009 he served the Association of
Professional Genealogists as national Secretary. He is the 2004 recipient of
the Dallas Genealogical Society Lloyd Bockstruck Distinguished Service Award.
One of GENTECH's founders, John was an active participant in
the Genealogical Data Model (GDM) Working Group and served on the NGS
Computer Interest Group Committee in 1999 and 2000. In addition to hundreds
of presentations to local & regional genealogical societies, John and
Barbara have taught genealogical courses at Mountain View College and to
church and Boy Scout groups.
He has a deep interest in records preservation and
enjoys teaching genealogists how to use computer technology and computer
users how to do sound genealogical research.
- July 2010 Angelina College 14th
Annual Genealogical Seminar
- Texas Heritage Digitization Initiative Annual
Meeting 2006
- International Association of Jewish
Genealogical Society 2005
- National Genealogical Society's 1994, 1996,
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 National Conferences.
- Federation of Genealogical Society's 1994,
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 National Conferences.
- GENTECH93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001
National Conferences
- NGS Regional Seminars in Troy, Michigan,
Chicago, Phoenix and Los Angeles.
- New England Historic Genealogical Society's
(NEHGS) 150th Anniversary Celebration Conference 1995
- Wisconsin State Genealogical Society's
"Genealogy 2000"
- Kansas State Genealogical Society’s Summer
Workshop 2003
- New Mexico State Genealogical Society Annual
Seminar 1999
- Minnesota Genealogical Society's Annual
Conference 1998
- Connecticut Historical Society Seminar, 2001
- Montana State Genealogical Society Annual
Conference 2001
- East Texas Genealogical Society Workshop 1999,
2000, 2004
- Fort Worth Genealogical Society's Computer
Interest Group Workshop 1998, 2004
- American Family Records Association's 1996
- Grand Prairie Historical Organization 2005
- Colorado Genealogical Society's Biennial
Computer Symposium 1994, 1997
- Topeka, Kansas, Genealogical Society 1995, 1996
- Ozarks Genealogical Society 1995
- Angelina College 1st Annual
Genealogical Seminar 1997
- Dallas Genealogical Society's Regional
Conference 1994, 1995, 2000
- Utah State University's Kinship Conference 1997
- Texas State Genealogical Society's Annual
Conference 1995, 2001
- Midland Genealogical Society 1996
- Permian Basin Genealogical Society 1996
- South Plains Genealogical Society 1995
- Friends of Shreveport Genealogy 2002
- Numerous smaller genealogical societies in
Texas and neighboring states
- Everton's "Discovering Your Heritage"
seminars 1995-2000
Articles published in
- National Genealogical Society Quarterly
- Association of Professional Genealogists
- Genealogical Computing
- New England Computer Genealogist
- Everton's Genealogical Helper
- Journal of On-Line Genealogy
- The Family Tree Maker Magazine
- DragonFly (publication of National Math Teachers
- The Digital Genealogist an online magazine
- Indexing Family Histories: Simply Steps for a
Quality Product National
Genealogical Society Special Publication with Patricia Law Hatcher.
- Memoranda of Marriages Solemnized by Herbert E.
Wylie, Methodist Minister in Western Michigan (winner of Texas State Genealogical Society
Writing Award) with Barbara Brixey Wylie.
Other Genealogical Activities:
- President, Grand Prairie Genealogical Society
(GPGS) 2007-08
- Library Liaison, GPGS 2008 to present
- NGS-GENTECH Advisory Committee: 2002 to 2010
- Chairman, Digital Preservation Special Interest
Group, Dallas Genealogical Society 2004-2007
- Vice President, Education, Dallas Genealogical
Society 2004 - 2005
- Association of Professional Genealogists Board
of Directors: 2000 - 2004
- NGS National Standards Committee: 2000 to 2005
- GenTech President: 1994 - 1998
- GenTech Conference Chair National Conferences:
1994 & 1996
- GenTech Board of Directors 1991-2002
- Dallas Genealogical Societ;
has served in numerous positions 1991 – 2007 including Director of
Special Interest Groups, Vice President for Education, Director for the
Computer Interest Group, member of the Records Preservation Committee
and the Capital Expansion Committee.
- Online Consultant for Everton's On-Line Service
- Invited Genealogical Advisor to the Texas
Historical Records Advisory Board 1999
- National Genealogical Society
- Dallas Genealogical Society
- Fort Worth Genealogical Society
- Grand Prairie Genealogical Society
- Voluntown
Historical Society
Barbara Brixey Wylie has served on the Association of Professional Genealogists'
Board of Directors and as Secretary of its Lone Star Chapter. She also served
a term on the Texas State Genealogical Society’s Board of Directors. Barb belongs
to several Dallas-Fort Worth genealogical/historical organizations but
considers the Grand Prairie Genealogical Society as her “home base.” As a
genealogical speaker/teacher for twenty-plus years, her speaking experience
includes more than two hundred genealogical audiences across the nation. She
especially enjoys gathering the family stories that make each ancestor more
than just a name and date.
Speaking experience:
- National Genealogical Society's 1997, 2000 and
2007 Conferences
- Federation of Genealogical Societies' 1997
- North Texas Genealogical Association 2005
- Grand Prairie Historical Organization 2005
- Montana Genealogical Society Annual Conference
- Wisconsin State Genealogical Society's
"Genealogy 2000"
- New Mexico Genealogical Society 1999
- Minnesota Genealogical Society's Annual
Conference 1998
- East Texas Genealogical Society 1999, 2000,
- Fort Worth Genealogical Society's Computer
Interest Group Workshop 1998
- American Family Records Association's Annual
Conference 1996
- Colorado Genealogical Society's Biennial
Computer Symposium 1994, 1997
- Kansas State Genealogical Society’s Summer
Workshop 2003
- Topeka, Kansas, Genealogical Society 1995, 1996
- Ozarks Genealogical Society 1995
- Dallas Genealogical Society's Regional
Conference 1994, 1995, 2000
- Utah State University's Kinship Conference 1997
- Texas State Genealogical Society's Annual
Conference 1995, 2002
- Midland Genealogical Society 1996
- Permian Basin Genealogical Society 1996
- South Plains Genealogical Society 1995
- Friends of Shreveport Genealogy 2002
- Numerous genealogical societies in Texas 1994 -
- Everton's "Discovering Your Heritage"
seminars 1995 - 2001
Articles published in
- The Association of Professional Genealogists
- Genealogical Computing
- Heritage Quest
- Everton's Genealogical Helper
- Journal of On-Line Genealogy
- Missouri State Genealogical Association Journal
- Stirpes
- Family Tree Maker's website
- The DGS Newsletter (Dallas Genealogical
- Roots ‘n Branches
- The Garland Quarterly
- DragonFly (publication
of National Math Teachers Association)
Past editor:
- The Garland Quarterly
- The Brixey Bulletin 1991-1998
- GENTECH Conference Syllabus (1994-1995)
- Memoranda of Marriages Solemnized by Herbert E.
Wylie, Methodist Minister in Western Michigan
Recipient of four Texas State
Genealogical Society writing awards, she
is especially interested in gathering and preserving each family’s
stories—those experiences and personalities that make ancestors more than
names and dates on a chart.
Other Genealogical Activities:
- Texas State Genealogical Society 2012
Conference Syllabus Committee
- President, Grand Prairie Genealogical Society
- Vice President for Program, Grand Prairie
Genealogical Society 2005 - 2008
- Conference Chair, GENTECH97
- GENTECH Board of Directors 1996-1998
- Vendor Chair, Garland-Mesquite Genealogical
Societies' Workshop 1996
- Queries Consultant for Everton's On-Line
Service 1995-2001
- National Genealogical Society
- Dallas Genealogical Society
- Fort Worth Genealogical Society
- Grand Prairie Genealogical Society
- Webster County (Missouri) Historical Society