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Sharing the Family’s Stories: Many relatives think genealogy is B-O-R-R-R-ING! Unless we capture their interest, we may never know, and they may never recognize, their part in the family’s history. Let’s explore ways to make them allies in gathering the family’s story. BBW

Capturing Memories in a 3-Ring Binder: A Collaborative Family Project Want to make sure that all your children have copies of important photos? Want to make sure that your grandkids know some of the family stories? Want to share your genealogical research? Can’t afford to publish a “real” book? Here’s what we and our associated families have done toward solving this problem. JVW and BBW

Curlicues & Chicken Scratch: Reading Yesteryear’s Handwriting: Penmanship styles, shortcuts and dialect sometimes make old documents look like chicken-scratch—but these tips will help you read that handwriting. BBW

Researching Methodist Records: We're Not Called METHODists for Nothing! Methodist records are better than those of many mainstream Protestant denominations. Learn what records are kept, where to find them, how to access them, and how to decipher the unique terminology used in these records. BBW

Identifying Norman's Mother --Overcoming Hazy Memories and Conflicting Records: She was never with a parent or sibling when the census taker came. Vital records are missing, wrong, or in conflict with other data. Her papa's probate didn't name his children. This case study demonstrates how a determined researcher can succeed despite these bumps in the road. BBW

Lost in the Census: Learn how to search more effectively using indexes, search engines, and plain old common sense to find that ancestor who is lost in the census. BBW

Way Down in Missouri: Understanding the Ozarks: Who were the early settlers of the Ozark Mountains? How were they unlike many of their fellow Missourians farther north? Where did those who left go? Helpful background information and tips for all who research Missouri and the Ozarks. BBW

Was Your Grandmother a Relict? What Do Those Old Words Mean? * If your ancestor had a "good sister," were his other sisters bad? How could a woman have a father-in-law if she never married? Some terms describing kinship, legal status and occupations don't mean now what they meant then. BBW

Indexing is More Than A-B-C: * If it isn't indexed carefully, researchers may miss valuable information in your book. Learn how to create a helpful index. BBW

Rats in the Family Tree: * Every family has a few shady characters, the kind who get hauled into court, chased out of town, thrown out of church and written about in the newspaper. Use the trail these rats leave to gather information about them and your more respectable ancestors as well. BBW

Ya Gotta Know The Territory! *Take a tip from the "The Music Man," "Ya Gotta Know the Territory!" Use the many research aids (no-tech as well as high-tech) to learn about your ancestor's time and place so you can discover where he's hiding. BBW

What Genealogical Authors Need to Know About Style: Choosing a title, developing a consistent style, formatting pages, dealing with silly sentences produced by genealogy software, coding and collating the index, compiling the front matter--publishing houses have professionals to guide these decisions. Most genealogists don't. These are skills we must learn to make our work present well. This session also suggests where to go for help, questions to ask the printer, and ideas for low cost advertising. BBW

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BBW= Lectures presented by Barbara Brixey Wylie
* = Lectures that have been presented at national conferences (titles and some content may have changed over time)
All lectures are presented using our own digital projector.  
Presentations may be combined for day long seminars.

Please contact us for fees and scheduling.

Last updated 14 Mar 2015